Houston Area Facts
Beyonce's hometown
NASA's hometown
Great rodeo!
You'll need a car, Houston is a driving city
Home prices are relatively low
The median home value in Houston is around $150,000. It’s a relatively affordable housing market, which is part of why it has managed to attract so many new residents. Unlike cities like New York and San Francisco which haven’t supplied enough housing to keep up with the demand from new residents, Houston’s housing market has grown with its population, preventing the kinds of real estate bubbles other cities have
Green Space
Houston rates first in total park acreage among U.S. cities with more than one million residents.
Of the 50 largest parks located within U.S. cities, the City of Houston contains four: Cullen Park (#12) with 9,270 acres, George Bush Park (#16) with 8,043 acres, Lake Houston Wilderness Park (#25) with 4,787 acres, and Bear Creek Pioneers Park (#48) with 3,067 acres.
There are 198 golf courses within a 50-mile radius of downtown Houston, according to Golflink.com.
The City of Houston offers a 300-mile interconnected bikeway network spread over 500 square miles. The network includes bike lanes, bike routes, signed-shared lanes and shared-use paths.
The Arts
Texas has 20 cultural districts, of which 5 are in Houston (Texas Commission on the Arts). Houston’s cultural events and exhibitions report 9.2 million visits per year.
Houston’s nonprofit arts and culture industry generated over $1.1 billion in total economic activity, according to the ’17 Arts & Economic Prosperity report. This spending, $579.4 million by nonprofit arts and culture organizations and an additional $538.0 million in event-related spending by their audiences, supports 25,817 full-time equivalent jobs, generates $801.6 million in household income to local residents and delivers $119.3 million in local and state government revenue.
Houston is one of only a few U.S. cities with resident professional companies in the four disciplines of the performing arts: ballet, opera, symphony and theater.
Houston has more than 500 institutions devoted to the performing and visual arts, science and history in the Houston area.